ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference Presentations DVD-ROM


All Platforms


Initial loading

To improve performance of the DVD-ROM, some files are stored locally on your hard drive. Initial loading times vary depending on your DVD-ROM drive. These files are removed once the application has been quit. We recommend an 8X DVD-ROM drive or faster.


Chapter Lists That Do Not Fit On Screen

There are certain presentations that include chapter lists that exceed the display resolution.  If you have a Display setting of more than 1024x768 you will see more items listed in the Chapter List.  This is a limitation of the software, however, it does not affect the synchronization between the slides and the video presentation.




PC or compatible


Note: if Auto Run is disabled on your PC computer and the application does not load, double-click the DVD-ROM icon in My Computer and then double-click on SIG03.exe to begin.




After QuickTime 6 is installed, the application will load.  


Known Issues


Windows issues:

Some computers experience a screen flicker when using the Chapter List navigation tool in the video controller.


On some PCs it may be necessary to uninstall your previous version of QuickTime before installing the latest version included on this disc. If you have to install QuickTime manually, you will find the QuickTime Installer within the Folder, SIG03 Data. Click on the installer and follow the online instructions.


MAC OS X issues:

This application has been tested to run on OS X 10.2.6 and above. We highly recommend upgrading to the latest OS X release.


MAC OS 9 issues:

This application has been optimized to run on a Windows or MAC OS X machine. Although it does run in OS 9, the loading sequence takes longer.


If you require technical support please email us at




We have attempted to recreate the presentations as closely as possible to their original format by including as much of the presentation materials that were made available. This includes PowerPoint presentation materials and additional videos used during the presentation.  Full access to PowerPoint presentations and videos was not always granted. In all cases we did not have access to demos, however, some presentations do include video clips of the demos.

Due to copyright issues: some presentations have images or videos that are removed or the audio is muted.



Recommended Systems



Intel Pentium 4 or compatible processor

256 Megs RAM

1024x768 - 24 bit color

8x DVD-ROM drive

200 Megs free hard drive

16-bit Soundcard

Windows 2000, XP



PowerPC G4-400Mhz

256 Megs RAM

1024x768 - Millions of colors


200 Megs free hard drive

OS X 10.2.6


Note: Although this application can run on slower Pentium II and MAC G3 machines, we highly recommend Intel Pentium 4 or comparable processors and the Apple PowerMac G4 processor.



Soma Media Inc.


For further information about our conference recording solution, please visit our website